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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Gutter Cleaning Tips

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

When it comes to fall projects, cleaning your gutters should be high on the priority list. This can prevent multiple issues such as roof leaks and broken gutters from frozen water. Here are some tips for cleaning your gutters:

1. Always make sure that your ladder is placed on a sturdy surface.

2. Wear the appropriate attire since cleaning gutters is a dirty job.

3. Use the right tool for the job. A small, plastic gutter scoop often works best. A child's sandbox shovel or old plastic kitchen spatula are good alternatives.

4. Spread a tarp underneath your workspace to collect the gunk that you remove from the gutters.

5. Once the debris has been removed, use a garden hose to flush the gutters and downspouts.

6. Repair any sagging metal.

These tips will help your gutters be winter ready!

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