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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Oh Christmas Tree

11/26/2018 (Permalink)

Christmas tree season is upon us!

Most people begin setting dates to shop for their tree shortly after Thanksgiving. The tree farms grow busier and busier, and you begin seeing trees on top of cars going down the road. The local supermarkets have shelves packed full of lights and holiday music is in the air. 

Christmas trees, although festive and pretty, bring along some extreme dangers. It is not uncommon during the holiday season for families to experience Christmas tree fires. Here are some tips on how to avoid these disasters:

- Always re-cut the trunk at least one inch from the bottom and drill a hole in the middle to allow the tree to absorb water and stay healthy.

- Keep your tree away from heat sources. These can include space heaters, fireplaces, wood stoves, televisions, computer monitors, and more. 

- Do not put too many strands of lights on your tree. The rule of thumb is a maximum of three plugs per extension cord. 

- Always make sure your tree has water! A Christmas tree fire is much more likely when your tree is dry. 

If you do experience a tree fire, we are here to help. Our highly trained technicians are not strangers to these kinds of situations. You can trust us to be there for you in your time of need.

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