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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Cleaning Your Gutters

11/5/2018 (Permalink)

As the Fall season comes to a close, the leaves begin to fall faster than ever. What does this result in? You guessed it, clogged gutters. So how important is it to make sure your gutters are clean? We will tell you, very. Your gutters can become full of leaves and sticks, creating numerous issues. Clogged gutters begin to hold standing water. As the temperature outside drops, this water can freeze and expand. This can easily lead to gutter repair or replacement over night. If water is unable to successfully drain from your roof, it can also begin to seep into your foundation, walls, and attic. For those of you who may experience this unfortunate situation, we have the ability to solve your problem before more arise. If you have water damage to your home or business, we are here to help. 

Make sure your gutters are clean and can successfully drain water, even if this means calling a professional. If you do experience water damage, give us a call. We will come running. 

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